Friday, October 30, 2009

What a year

Babes and I just got back from the pediatrician... up to 9 lbs 5 ozs =) We also increased her dose of zantac because her reflux has been acting up... hopefully the insurance company won't go balistic again =p. The doctor also wants babes to see an ENT to check out her vocal cords and see why she has such a weak cry... something Chris and I do and don't want fixed for obvious reasons =p

We saw the helmet doctor yesterday and she said Cordelia has made very significant improvements so far! Its very obvious to us just by looking at her how much the helmet has helped, and now we have confirmation of this. The best part is that she doesn't need to be seen again for 2 months... yippee!

My mom reminded yesterday that it was the 1 year anniversary of the most terrifying events of my life up to that point... and to be honest even after everything that has happened I would still count it as number 1. I'm not sure that many people know about it... I didn't really post on facebook about it... I just couldn't. Not surprisingly it is about my little peanut baby! I will try to abridge the story as much as I can....

When I found out I was pregnant last year I found a new doctor closer to home based on glowing recommendations. At the first visit it was determined I was very very early on. I did not know how far I was because my cycle is extremely erratic... every 1, 2, 3, or 4 months or whatever. All over the place. I was actually told it would be extremely difficult to get pregnant... HA! how about not... pregnant after being married for 3 months =). Anyways they sent me for blood work and all that jazz. Nothing even showed up in the ultrasound yet...

About a week later they called me at my work to come in for another ultrasound. I thought this was pretty odd but thankfully I was able to leave work early and Chris met me at the office. In the ultrasound they saw a gestational sac. In early early pregnancy, the first thing to show up on ultrasound is the gestational sac, then the yolk sac, then eventually the little peanut baby. After the ultrasound we waited in the office for almost 2 hours to see the doctor. I had never met him before because my first visit was with the nurse practitioner. He walked in the room and said in the most manner-of-fact way... "Based on your bloodwork and what we think we should be seeing in your ultrasound your baby is ectopic and we cannot allow your pregnancy to continue. The pharmacy is closed now but we will get your height and weight today for dosing and you can come back tommorow and have an injection that will dissolve your pregnancy." Chris and I were absolutely stunned. It was the most painful thing I had ever heard in my life.

The only thing I could think to say was that I wanted another ultrasound. After hesitating he finally agreed and arranged for me to go the hospital and have one done there. The ultrasound tech at the hospital was wonderful and did a very long exam. It took almost an hour... but she saw the gestational sac AND the yolk sac... indicating that it couldn't possibly be ectopic. We went in for the appointment the next day and they said that it was better news but they were not convinced it was a healthy pregnancy. They told me what to expect when I miscarried and everything but I wasn't even listening really... I just knew she was in there!

Two weeks later we went in for another ultrasound and heard and saw her little heart beating! We then left that office for the last time and went out for a steak dinner =) The really pathetic part is that the office never called to see why I didn't schedule anymore appointments. Never followed up at all.

So thats that... my little daughter was perfectly fine hanging out, she was just so tiny still. The funny thing is I remember thinking to myself, "well we got the drama out of the way early with this baby, it'll be smooth sailing now" HAHAHA

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